Session Log Generator

Enter information and copy the outputted log and place in #session-log. If any information is missing, please add it manually. DM rewards include gold bonus that DOES NOT go to players. Example of a session log can be found below.

Attack of the rat master pt1 / Non-canon / 2.2hours (1.1hours xp) / 8dtd / dm rewards to Billy / 110gp gold bonus


The group starts off in the newly named hags end bar. (the bar was renamed in honor of the heroes that slain the hag bothering the bar-backstory) as they party a knight burst through the door armor shattered and bleeding out the party let’s him die as his last words whisper rat master. After not knowing what to do a wounded lady comes down the path, party successfully heals her. During their rest they meet Billy-Bo Jenkins a goblin trader that sold them some health potions.