“You are not entering this world in the usual manner, for you are setting forth to be a Dungeon Master….you will breathe life into the stillness, giving meaning and purpose to all the actions which are to follow.” – Gary Gygax

The narrators and story tellers of our server are our Dungeon Masters (DM). These benevolent individuals are the ones responsible for creating and running the game, setting the scene, and guiding the players through their story quests. Often times, they are the ones who come up with the plot, create the setting, design the encounters and challenges that the players will face.

DMs are often considered to be a glutton for punishment, having to deal with difficult players, rule disputes and unexpected plot twists. However, they are rewarded with the few perks that come along. Seeing players’ reactions to their quests and make epic moments through a collaborative storytelling experience are some examples.

    • Interested in trying your hand at hosting? Reach out to any of the Dungeon Masters for information or to apply for Trial status.

In order for a Trial Dungeon Master to gain the downtime, and DM benefits, the session must be 2 hours at least.

    • Hosting for less than 2 hours results in only XP being awarded, with no downtime or DM gold benefit. See chart below for rewards when hosting a non-canon game.
Game Type Hours XP Downtime Days Gold Bonus
Non-Canon Full 16 50/hour

Players that play in games will take half hour xp and 8 downtime days flat.

    • Rewards given are not able to be kept, but may be kept on strictly non-canon characters should the trial host a continuation of sessions.

After a certain period of time, a trail dungeon master may request a canon DM to sit in on a game to spectate and initiate a vote.

    • Should the vote be in favor of the trial, the individual will advance to canon status, otherwise the role will be held till improvement has been shown.

A summary of the future game will be posted by the Trial in the session-announcement by either apollo or text message. If the latter, please include a time zone. Sessions must be tagged with @non-canon, so players know what type of session the game is.

Players may apply for Trial Dungeon Master status after being in the server for a month and be of T2 status.

Games are not limited to only D&D 5e. Games may be other TTRPG systems such as Gloomhaven, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulu, etc.

Details of the session after you run it will be posted in session-log. This will include the following:

    1. Time played in hours. If players joined late, add the hour amount for which they played.
    2. 8 downtime days.
    3. Names of the Characters who receive the XP.
    4. Name of DM’s character. This character is awarded both the downtime, gold and experience.
    5. General synopsis in minimum of 5 sentences.
    6. After 3 days, the log will be deleted if not completed from the initial date.

At the end of a session the Trial Dungeon Master's will net full experience, gold bonus and downtime.  There should be a healthy mixture of social, environmental, and combat encounters within a session most of the time. Non-canon games net 8 downtime days, but the DM receives 16.