“Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence of transformation.”

Given enough free time and the services of an instructor, a character can indulge in learning extra languages, acquiring a weapon/armor proficiency or pick up proficiency with a tool.

    • Only one weapon AND armor type may be learned per character.

Receiving training in a language, armor, weapon or tool typically takes at least 50 downtime days, but this time is reduced by a number of workweeks equal to the character’s Intelligence modifier. (An Intelligence penalty doesn’t increase the time needed.

    • If learning from a player, gold does not need to be spent.

How to Do Training Downtime

    1. State in downtime-log; the type of activity your character is learning (tool, weapon type, armor type, or language a character), with the days, gold and lifestyle.
    2. Roll for the chance of complication.
      • If the result is a 1 on a d10 or 1-10 on d100, refer to the section below.

Days and gold are dependent on the INT mod of a player. Refer to the chart below for the time and gold needed.

INT Mod Days Gold
6 20 100
5 25 125
4 30 150
3 35 175
2 40 200
1 45 225
0 or lower 50 250

Downtime Example: Azrael spends 50 dtd and 250 Gp training for proficiency in Smith’s tools, living wretched lifestyle. 

Complications. Complications that arise while training involve the teacher. Time spent in training brings a 10 percent chance of a complication. For more information, click here for the Hostiles & Rivals.

    • Hostile Contacts​ give -1 on every skill check involving downtime. Characters are required to spend these until no hostile contacts remaining.
    • Rival Contact give a permanent -1 to all checks involving the downtime performed by that character, until resolved.
d6 Complication
1 Your instructor disappears, forcing you to spend one workweek finding a new one. (Spend extra 5 downtime days)
2 Your teacher instructs you in rare, archaic methods, which draw comments from others. (Teacher’s Pet title gained)
3 Your teacher is a spy sent to learn your plans. (Rival)
4 Your teacher is a wanted criminal. (Title gained, Accomplice)
5 Your teacher is a cruel taskmaster. (Relaxation downtime required to resolve)
6 Your teacher asks for help dealing with a threat. (Hostile)