“Every career change has it’s trade-offs, except this time, I think I’m set.”

When changing a subclass, the current tier, old subclass must be stated, with what the new one will become. Refer to the chart below for the formula. There are no complications for this downtime. Lifestyle must be spent.

    • This downtime may only be done once per tier, in the tier the character is, outside of session.
    • For session, subclass may only be changed for character development.
Tier Gold Needed Downtime Days
1 400 30
2 1,600 30
3 9,600 30
4 24,000 30
  1. Place activity in #downtime-log.
  2. Using the following formula in the chart, all items must be added to the post.
    • Character’s current tier.
    • Old subclass.
    • New subclass.
    • Gold amount.
    • Downtime spent.
    • Reason for subclass change.

Downtime Example: Rev (T2), spends 1,600gp and 30 downtime days to go from life cleric to arcane cleric, realizing her skill set leaned more arcane than healing.