“There’s nothing better in this world than taking a long rest after some adventuring.”

Sometimes the best thing to do between adventures is relax. Whether a character wants a hard-earned vacation or needs to recover from injuries, relaxation is the ideal option for adventurers who need a break.

  • Relaxation requires 5 days of downtime.
  • A character needs to maintain at least a modest lifestyle while relaxing to gain the benefit of the activity.

Characters who maintain at least a modest lifestyle while relaxing gain several benefits. While relaxing, a character gains advantage on saving throws to recover from long-acting diseases and poisons. In addition, at the end of the week, a character can end one effect[mfn]unless the effect is the result of a curse[/mfn] that keeps the character from regaining hit points or can restore one ability score that has been reduced to less than its normal value.

    • This benefit cannot be used if the harmful effect was caused by a spell or some other magical effect with an ongoing duration.
Alarielle spends the day resting in an extended rest. She simply spends time with her family in her estate relaxing.