“People come here for two things, get rich or lose everything. Which one are you?”

Games of chance are a way to make a fortune — and perhaps a better way to lose one. Gambling takes 5 days and a minimum of 10gp to place a bet. 

  • Max betting amount is capped at 400gp.
  • 3 different rolls of 2d10+5 DC are required checks. 
  • Features and items are allowed for this downtime activity. Spells are prohibited due to the nature it can be seen as cheating.
Success Value Acquired
0 Lose all the money you bet and accrue a debt equal to that amount.
1 Lose half the money you bet.
2 Gain the amount you bet plus half again more.
3 Gain double the amount you bet.
  1. State the gambling amount in #downtime-log with all features prefaced BEFORE rolling.
  2. Proceed to roll the following. Rolls must hit or pass the DC in order to be successful.  Proficiency with an appropriate gaming set may be used to replace one of the checks above.
    • Insight.
    • Deception.
    • Intimidation.
  3. See the check success table to the left for outcome of the rolls.
  4. Roll for the chance of complication.
    • If the result is a 1 on a d10 or 1-10 on d100, refer to the section below.
Esata spend 5 down time days in poor living conditions, gambling 400 gold pieces.

Complications: Gambling tends to attract unsavory individuals. The potential complications involved come from run-ins with the law and associations with various criminals tied to the activity. For more information, click here for the Hostiles & Rivals.

    • Hostile Contacts​ give -1 on every skill check involving downtime. Characters are required to spend these until no hostile contacts remaining.
    • Rival Contact give a permanent -1 to all checks involving the downtime performed by that character, until resolved.
D6 Complication Outcome
1 You are accused of cheating. You decide whether you actually did cheat or were framed. (Hostile)
2 The town guards raid the gambling hall and throw you in jail for 10 days on the accounts of bribery and blackmail. (Spend 10 downtime days)
3 A noble in town loses badly to you and loudly vows to get revenge. (Rival)
4 You won a sum from a low-ranking member of a thieves’ guild, and the guild wants its money back. (Profit lost, no earnings)
5 A local crime boss insists you start frequenting the boss’s gambling parlor and no others. (TRP or minor session.)
6 A high-stakes gambler comes to town and insists that you take part in a game.  (Must bet max on next gambling activity.)