“One of the advantages of my profession is I come into contact with many people.” – Gerard Depardieu

For any downtime activity involving a skill check you may spend up to 3 allied contacts like currency to receive a bonus to one roll. One a contact is used; your contact will not provide further help. These are one-time use helps. These do not stack on top of current downtime bonus’ but may be included in reaching the potential max for that activity bonus.

    • When in possession of a hostile contacts, you must spend at least one. A rival is a hostile contact that cannot be spent and remains until resolved.
    • Allied contacts may be gained through the Carousing​ downtime. These are Lower-, Middle- and Upper-class contacts.
    • Benefactors are like positive rivals, but only help with one type of downtime activity. Their help applies to all checks associated with the specific downtime being used.
Contact Type Bonus/Penalty Details

Lower-Class Contact

Cost to find: 10gp/workweek

+1. You may spend an allied contact on any single skill check involving downtime.

Lower-class contacts include criminals, laborers, mercenaries, town guard, and any other folk who normally frequent the cheapest taverns in town. This contact is spent like currency and may be awarded by a dungeon master as part of a session or gained as part of this downtime activity.​

Middle-Class Contact

Cost to find: 50gp/workweek

+2​​. You ​may spend an allied contact on any single skill check involving downtime. Middle-class contacts include guild members, spellcasters, town officials, and other folk who frequent well-kept establishments. This contact is spent like currency and may be awarded by a dungeon master as part of a session or gained as part of this downtime activity.​

Upper-class Contact

Cost to find: 250gp/workweek

+3​​. You ​may spend an allied contact on any single skill check involving downtime.

This contact is spent like currency and may be awarded by a dungeon master as part of a session or gained as part of this downtime activity.​​

    • You must have a background, feat, feature, contact, or item that allows you to carouse with the upper-class. If you don’t have one of these things, you may also attempt a DC 25 skill check utilizing a disguise kit. If you fail this check, you lose your time investment, but not your money.
Hostile Contact -1. ​If you have a hostile contact, you must spend at least one on every single skill check involving downtime until you have no hostile contacts remaining.

A hostile contact can be from any class of society from lower to upper-class but the negative modifier does not change.

May be awarded by a dungeon master as part of a session or gained as a downtime complication or part of this downtime activity.

Rival -1 or other detriments. If you have a rival, you receive this penalty on all skill checks involving downtime until it is resolved. A rival is personalized for the character whom they are a rival for. If awarded during a game a rival is created by the dungeon master. If awarded as a result of downtime the player is granted limited power to create their character’s rival.

+1 or other benefits. If you have a benefactor, they can aid you with all skill checks involving a particular downtime activity.

A benefactor is personalized for the character whom they are a benefactor for. A benefactor is created by the dungeon master and is awarded by a dungeon master as a session reward.