“Don’t mistake activity with achievement.” – Fabio
When all else fails, an adventurer can turn to an honest trade to earn a living. This activity represents a character’s attempt to find temporary work, by spending 25 GP for advertisement and supplies. Choose a job and the state what skill or tool check you’ll be making. To reference the applicable stat for tool checks, click here.
- This activity costs 5 downtime days and 25 GP for supplies. Lifestyle is required for this activity.
- Items are permitted. Features and spells are allowed, but no more than one of these maybe used. Refer to the examples below.
Examples of possible work:
- [Player Character] spends 5 DTD and 25 GP under modest lifestyle (5 GP) to set up shop to trick people by disguising as them. Using deception and the actor Feat to gain advantage. T2, DC 13.
- [Player Character] Earns 150gp. Earning a profit of 120gp
- [Player Character] spends 5 DTD and 25 GP under poor lifestyle (1 GP) to makes a lock pick shop to help people who lost their keys. Using thieves’ tools with Dex and casting enhance ability to gain advantage. T3, DC 19.
- [Player Character] Earns 225gp earning a total of 195gp.
- [Player Character] spends 5 DTD and 25 GP under modest lifestyle (5 GP) to set up shop to trick people by disguising as them. Using deception and the actor Feat to gain advantage. T2, DC 13.
But you cannot use a spell and feature like this:
- [Player Character] spends 5 DTD and 25 GP under modest lifestyle (5 GP) and creates a arm-wrestling stand to make some money. Uses athletics using giant’s might to get advantage and magical guidance on myself. T4, DC 25.
Tier | DC | Earnings |
1 | 7 | 75 GP |
2 | 13 | 150 GP |
3 | 19 | 225 GP |
4 | 25 | 300 GP |
- To participate in improvised work, a character must announce type of work they will be performing in #downtime-log with all features, items and spells prefaced BEFORE rolling.
- Proceed to roll a check relating to the task above and beat the DC for your tier. If the DC is not met, then collect the earnings of the tier below.
- Consult the table to the for the result the check for earnings. This amount is for the entire work week.
- Proceed to roll for chance of complication. a d10 (1) or d100 (1-10) result in a complication. Refer to the chart below for outcomes.
Downtime Example: Fabio spends 25 GP and 5 downtime days, working as a trainee doctor for the Lathandar temple using medicine, living a modest lifestyle at T1.
Complications are rarely significant in ordinary work. Still, the Work Complications table can add some difficulties to a worker’s life. Each workweek (5 days) of activity brings a 10% chance that a character encounters a complication. For more information, click here for the Hostiles & Rivals.
- Hostile Contacts give -1 on every skill check involving downtime. Characters are required to spend these until no hostile contacts remaining.
- Rival Contact give a permanent -1 to all checks involving the downtime performed by that character, until resolved.
D8 | Complication Outcome |
1 | No one finds your odd services interesting, getting you no customers. You gain no money. |
2 | You lost track of time and get to your customer late; they are disappointed and only give you half of your profit. |
3 | A noble is offended by your advertisement. Spend double your expenses (25 + Lifestyle.) |
4 | A spy has been sent to mess up your sale. Lose a quarter of your profit. |
5 | Someone has stolen your idea, taking customers from you. (Rival.) |
6 | A customer has spread bad rumors about your services. (Hostile) |
7 | Your property was damaged by a customer, forcing you to spend gold to repair. Spend 25 GP more. |
8 | You run out of supplies for a job and have to spend 10 GP for them. |