“I am sure there is magic in everything, only we have not sense enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us.” — Frances Hodgson Burnett

For classes that love dwelling in magic, scribing a spell scroll is often a useful alternative for those who wish to conserve their spells until more urgent situations call for them. Lifestyle costs are to be paid per day spent.

    • Library access is required for this downtime.
    • Features may be used in assisting with this downtime.
    • Scribed scrolls cannot be sold in downtime.

Scribing a spell scroll takes an amount of time and money related to the level of the spell the character wants to scribe, as shown in the Spell Scroll Costs table.

    • In addition, the character must have proficiency in the Arcana skill and must provide any material components required for the casting of the spell, including the consumable ones. Gold cannot be used in place of the material.
    • Self-sufficient lifestyle tacks a +1-downtime day to each scroll created.

How to Scribe a Scroll

    1. State in downtime-log, the scroll level and name being crafted, with days, gold and lifestyle. For any features to be used, please add this.
    2. Roll for the chance of complication.
      • If the result is a 1 (d10) or 1-10 (d100), refer to the complications section.
Scroll Lv. Gold Needed Downtime Days
Cantrip 12 1
Lv. 1 20 1
Lv. 2 200 3
Lv. 3 400 5
Lv. 4 2,000 10
Lv. 5 4,000 20
Lv. 6 12,000 40
Lv. 7 20.000 80
Lv. 8 40,000 160
Lv. 9 200,000 240

Moreover, the character must have the spell prepared, or it must be among the character’s known spells, in order to scribe a scroll of that spell.

    • If the scribed spell is a cantrip, the version on the scroll works as if the caster were 1st level.

Example: Es spends 1 downtime day, and 20 gold scribing a 1st level spell scroll, Gift of Alacrity, maintaining an aristocratic lifestyle (10 GP.)

ComplicationsCrafting a spell scroll is a solitary task, unlikely to attract much attention. The complications that arise are more likely to involve the preparation needed for the activity. Every scroll scribed, brings a 10 percent chance of a complication.

For more information, click here for the Hostiles & Rivals.

    • Hostile Contacts​ give -1 on every skill check involving downtime. Characters are required to spend these until no hostile contacts remaining.
    • Rival Contact give a permanent -1 to all checks involving the downtime performed by that character, until resolved.
d6 Complication
1 You bought up the last of the rare ink used to craft scrolls, angering a wizard in town. (Hostile)
2 The priest of a temple of good accuses you of trafficking in dark magic. (Rival)
3 A wizard is eager to collect one of your spells in a book. (Add 5 extra downtime days.)
4 Due to a strange error in creating the scroll, it is instead a random spell of the same level (Ping Downtime.)
5 The rare parchment you bought for your scroll has a barely visible map on it. (TRP or minor session)
6 A thief breaks into your workroom and takes 25 GP.