“Language gives us the power to communicate. That makes us different than animals.”
Here you will find the full list of all languages within the realm. Your race will typically indicate the languages your character can speak by default, and your background might give you access to one or more additional languages of your choice. Using origin manager will permit the changing of your default race.
- Secret language(s), such as thieves’ cant or the tongue of druids cannot be learned and are restricted to the classes they are given from.
Language | Typical Speakers |
Common | Humans, Most Creatures |
Dwarvish | Dwarves |
Elvish | Elves |
Giant | Ogres, Giants |
Gnomish | Gnomes |
Goblin | Goblinoids |
Halfling | Halflings |
Orc | Orcs |
Language | Typical Speakers |
Abyssal | Demons |
Celestial | Celestial |
Draconic | Dragons, Dragonborn |
Deep Speech | Mind Flayers, Beholders |
Infernal | Devils |
Primordial | Elementals |
Sylvan | Fey |
Undercommon | Underdark Traders |
For more additional exotic languages, research downtime may need to be done in order to find a location of a teacher who is willing to teach.
- Learning a language from another character removes the requirement of such downtime, but both characters must spend downtime days and lifestyle. The amount of days needed to be spent are equal to the learner’s INT mod.
Some of these languages are actually families of languages with many dialects.
- For example, the Primordial language includes the Auran (air), Aquan (water), Ignan (fire), and Terran (earth) dialects, one for each of the four elemental planes.
- Creatures that speak different dialects of the same language can communicate, although brokenly with each other.
- Simple sentences are somewhat understood. However. the more complex, the more difficult it is to understand.
See the chart for additional languages.
- If the language is not on the list, it cannot be learned through downtime research.
- If a character knows a language that is not on the list, s/he may teach it to other characters.
Language | Typical Speakers |
Albanasinia | Abanasinians |
Aquan | Elementals (Plane of Earth) |
Auran | Elementals (Plane of Air) |
Birdfolk | Birdfolk, Humblefolk |
Cervan | Cervan |
Common Sign Language | N/A. Not a spoken language (requires hands.) |
Daelkyr | Denizens of Khyber |
Ergot | Northern Ergot |
Hadozee | Hadozee |
Hedge | Hedges |
Ignan | Elementals (Plane of Fire) |
Istarian | Ancient Istarians |
Jerbeen | Jerbeens |
Kenderspeak | Kender |
Kharolian | Inhabitants of the Planes of Dust and Tarsis |
Khur | Khur |
Kothian | Minotaurs |
Kraul | Kraul |
Leonin | Leonin |
Loxodon | Loxodons |
Mapach | Mapachs |
Marquesian | Inhabitants of The Menagerie Coast |
Minotaur | Minotaur |
Naush | Ki’Nau Islanders, Inhabitants of the Menagerie Coast |
Nerakese | Inhabitants of Neraka |
Nordmaarian | Inhabitants of Nordmaar |
Quori | Inspired, Kalashtar, Quori |
Riedran | People of Sarlona |
Sahuagin | Sahuagins |
Solamnic | People of Sarlona |
Sphinx | Sphinxes |
Terran | Elementals (Plane of Earth) |
Thri-Kreen | Thri-Kreen Mantis Men |
Veldalken | Veldalken |
Vulpin | Vulpins |
Zemnian | Inhabitants of the Dwendalian Empire |