“You are not entering this world in the usual manner, for you are setting forth to be a Dungeon Master….you will breathe life into the stillness, giving meaning and purpose to all the actions which are to follow.” – Gary Gygax
Those that narrate, and build the lore of a story serve as our Dungeon Masters (DM). These benevolent individuals are the ones responsible for creating interesting NPCs, running the game, setting the scene, and guiding the players through their stories and quest lines.
Often times, they are the ones who come up with the plot, create the setting, design the encounters and challenges that the players will face.
Dungeon Masters are often considered to be a glutton for punishment, having to deal with difficult players, rule disputes and unexpected plot twists. However, they are rewarded with the perks that come along. Seeing players’ reactions to their quests and make epic moments (sometimes in thr forms of memes) through a collaborative storytelling experience are some examples.
1 Activity Requirement
One game must be ran per 2 months (60 days) to keep Dungeon Master status. Failure to adhere will get role revoked and dropped down to Trial. If a game hasn’t been run for 3 months for trial status, this role will be removed.
Once a Dungeon Master has been demoted down from canon status, a new vetting conversation will be initiated.
2 Disclaimers
Sessions posted in the announcement channel should specify specific rulings, age rating, restrictions, and the like.
3 DM Rewards
At the end of a session Dungeon Master’s will get experience, gold and downtime. Downtime = 2d4+8 days, twice as much for DM’s!
There should be a healthy mixture of social, environmental, and combat encounters within a session most of the time.
4 Game Postings
A summary of the future game will be posted by the DM in the session-announcement by either apollo or text message. If the latter, please include a time zone.
Sessions must be tagged with either the tier name or @non-canon so players know what type of session the game is.
Mixing tiers does not double the rewards allocated or increase the reward pot. Standard guidelines apply. In the event of such quests, the lowest tier guidelines apply, unless the game is min 5 hours. Then and only then, may players receive an item of their current tier as reward.
5 Game Rewards
Magic item rewards and gold allocations should follow the reward standards. 2 magic consumables count as the magic item reward for that tier. This excludes all potions and poisons.
For items that have a mundane value (like armor and weapons), this cost is to be subtracted by the gold budget.
6 Game Variety
Games should include a healthy mix with some of the following and not be just one type.
Roleplay, Social, Puzzle, Combat, Exploration
7 Homebrewed Magic Items
Dungeon masters may award homebrewed magic items as long as such follow the approval of the Scrub Lord in magic-item-listing. This does not included MacGuffin's, which are limited to the sessions hosted by the Dungeon Master that awarded it.
MacGuffin’s are an object, device, or event that is necessary to the plot and the motivation of the characters, but insignificant, unimportant, or irrelevant in itself. These do not count against this limit, but Dungeon Master's should think long and hard about anything they reward to the players to avoid imbalance.
8 Player Removal
Have the right to remove any player they feel are disruptive.
9 Session Logs
Details of the session after you run it will be posted in session-log. This will include the following:
- Time played in hours. If players joined late, add the hour amount for which they played.
- Downtime earned, rolled in dtd-rolling.
- Distribution of rewards. Refer to the reward guidelines for determining how many magic items may be handed out.
- Names of the Characters who receive the XP.
- Name of DM’s character. This character is awarded both the downtime and experience.
- General synopsis in minimum of 5 sentences.
- Number of downtime days rolled in dtd-rolling.
- DM are required to post the session log within 24 hours of the downtime being rolled or the session is deemed as non-canon. After 3 days, the log will be deleted if not completed.