“Study the past if you would define the future.” ― Confucius

The Forgotten Realms campaign setting is the primary setting, but it is not the only setting. Characters may find themselves on any number of planes, various worlds such as Ravnica, or in any number of strange locations. Most session will start in either The Wayfinder, Ouroboros Guild or somewhere in Faerûn.

    • World-events is written in Dalereckoning (DR).

There are 365 days in the year, split up into 12 months of 30 days each with 5 holidays that fall between some months. The names of the months are given in both the formal names and the common ones.

    • The seasons run like they do for the northern hemisphere; Hammer is like January and Flamerule is like July. Each week consists of 10 days, called a tenday. A workweek consists of 5 days.

The holidays are Midwinter, Greengrass, Midsummer, Highharvestide and The Feast of the Moon.

    • Midwinter falls between Hammer (Jan.) and Alturiak (Feb.).
    • Greengrass between Tarsakh (Apr.) and Mirtul (May).
    • Midsummer is between Flamerule (Jul.) and Eleasis (Aug.).
    • Highharvestide is between Eleint (Sep.) and Marpenoth (Oct.)
    • The Feast of the Moon is between Uktar (Nov.) and Nightal (Dec.)

The holidays do not fall on the actual day the season changes. The 19th of Ches is the Spring Equinox, the 20th of Kythorn is the Summer Solstice, the 21st of Eleint is the Autumn Equinox and the 20th of Nightal is the Winter Solstice Every 4 years, another holiday called Shieldmeet is added as a leap day immediately following the Midsummer holiday.

Calendar of Harptos Year: 1495 DR

Month Name Common Name
1 Hammer Deepwinter
2 Alturiak The Claw of Winter
3 Ches The Claw of the Sunsets
4 Tarsakh The Claw of the Storms
5 Mirtul The Melting
6 Kythorn The Time of Flowers
7 Flamerule Summertide
8 Eleasis Highsun
9 Eleint The Fading
10 Marpenoth Leaffall
11 Uktar The Rotting
12 Nightal The Drawing Down